
Someone Can Make You Forget About The Pebble In The Shoe And Make You Climb Mountains!

More than 2,000 years ago, Cicero, the great Roman philosopher and author, put it all together on paper made from reeds and titled it ‘On the Orator’. He described a person who could guide the citizens in all affairs moral as an orator. The first public speaker was imagined as someone that could use the power of persuasion to verbally direct opinion. He realized that the skill of articulation was not the only requirement but that insight into moral principles that were rooted in experience was also required. He described someone who could teach ethical ways in a manner that would move the listeners into action.

Climb Mountains

 Today that dream has been realised. Motivational speakers are able to inspire an audience. Businesses and corporate entities realise that these speakers are able to clearly state company direction in a way that assist the employees to see the future in a positive way as well as garner enthusiasm to move as a team towards meeting stated objectives. Often they are individuals who focused on their abilities rather than their challenges and dedicate themselves to inspire others to reach the pinnacles within their grasp by identifying their talents and abilities. Here are five that never take their eye off the ball.

Major Glenn Todhunter

Literally rising from the ashes of a crashed training flight Major Todhunter lost both his legs and took eight years to rebuild every aspect of his life. He is the only amputee aviator that served in Australia’s Defence Force. Today he flies for the Royal Flying Doctor Service and is a living example of how success can be yours if you don’t allow fear to hold you back. He enjoys sharing his amazing life and experiences with everyone and shows them how to overcome their perceived inabilities.

Major Glenn Todhunter

Robyn Moore

Robyn has notched up more than 1,000 presentations and inspired people in the Advertising, Education and also the Communications/Entertainment Industry. The executives of the companies she addressed are all amazed by the flow-on effect that manifest as shifts in staff behaviours and communication skills. Her skill is evident in her ability to tailor a presentation to a corporate brief and she consistently delivers what many report as a life-altering experience. No wonder she is the most in-demand female speaker in Australia.

Brett Maher

Boasting an 18-year career in the national Basketball League Brett represented Australia at three consecutive Olympic Games. He is goal-oriented, knows how to execute a strategy that leads to victory and specialises in business development oriented projects including selling and closing deals. At the top of his career he lost a baby son and for five years dedicated himself to establish a foundation that helped others to cope financially as well as emotionally. Today he is a sought after brand ambassador in the business world with his ability to motivate with stories drawn from personal experience.

Brett Maher

Tom Potter

Leaving school at 15 Tom was without education and had no job by the time he was 23. He single-handedly built the Eagle Boys Pizza to become the region’s largest pizza company that was owned privately and then went on to franchise it. His no nonsense approach has justifiably earned him respect at untold luncheon, workshop and conference occasions where he cuts to the chase and raises performance to higher results at all levels in the organisation.

Lauren Burns

What Lauren has achieved is short of a miracle. She is only one of three Australian women to win an Olympic Gold Medal as an individual. She won the world’s first ever Olympic medal for Taekwondo and has shown discipline, perseverance and commitment like never before. She talks to her audience about what it takes to be successful and then she moves on and has them breaking a board with the palm of their hand and so gain personal experience of what success means. She incorporates concepts that lowers absenteeism, boosts engagement and raises corporate wellness.

Lauren Burns

Those who make it to the top all agree that a crucial ingredient is to give some pep to employees by exposing them to someone that not talks about success but can back it up in their own lives.